Author Archives: Admin

json writer adding extra slash to the serialized file

if you are getting the serialize result with extra slash like below


This issue normaly occurs when missed the json_decode function in the code

For example Refer the below lines of code

$upload_data = array(‘uploaded_path’ => $destinationPath);

print_r($jsonformat); // this will output as,


To remove the double slashes you can use the below function


How to Retrieve all input data in laravel

Retrieve all input data as an array using the following method

$input = $request->all();

28.Directory structure in laravel

1.Root directory
2.App directory

Root directory contains the below directories.

App directory contains the below directories

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Retrieving Uploaded Files in laravel

Access the uploaded file using Illuminate\Http\Request instance.

$file=$request->file(‘photo’) //File method
$file=$request->photo; //dynamic properties

here file method returns an instance of the Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile class, which extends the PHP SplFileInfo

A File is present on the request using has method

if ($request->hasFile(‘photo’)) {

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