We can create our own button in customer control panel using the class action. This button also like ‘Upgrade’,’Uninstall’ buttons.
Follow the below steps to create action button
In Eclipse go to Entry Points Tab
1. Label -> NewUpdateButton
2. Description-> Keep it as blank (optiional)
3. Destination-> Keep it as blank (optional)
4. Class-> keep it as blank
5. Icon-> Image file from the images folder- images/resume.gif.
6.Variable-> mynewvariable( this will be settings variable)
9.value of settings-> keep it as blank
10. variable->var1
11.Default value->verifying
13. value of settings->keep it as blank
15. Default value->Default
16. Class-status_condition
17. Value of settings->keep it as blank
Above settings will be view as in the source section of eclipse as below
Go to the settings tab of the same service.do the following variables adding.means create an enum fields with choice fields
1. ID->mynewvariable
2. Name->Updatemydata
3. Type->enum
4. Class->status
5. Protected-make as checked
6. Installation only->make as checked
7. default value->Default Value
In the choice field add below two items
Above settings will be view as in the source section of eclipse as below