Html form do not support PUT,PATCH,DELETE options.
PUT,PATCH,DELETE routes that are called from an html form, this time we need to add a hidden _method field in the form
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What is Service provider in laravel?
Service provider will bootstrap all of the framework component such as database,queue,validation,routing components
All of the service providers are configured in the config/app.php provider array.
register() and boot() method will be called on all service providers,after this request will dispatch to route and controller
Default service providers are stored in the app/Providers folder
What is Kernel in laravel?
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Two types of kernel available in laravel,
Http kernel- app/http/kernel.php
Console kernel- console/kernel.php
Kernel defines the list of midddleware and middleware will handle session,aunthentication,verifycsrftoken etc.
Kernel extends base class- Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel it defines bootstrappers .Thesse bootstrapers configure error handling,logging,detecting application environment
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What is Middleware in laravel?
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Middleware acts as bridge between request and response.
Middleware verifies the user is authenticated or not depends on this it is redirect to home and login page.
command to create middleware
php artisan make:middleware
Two types of middleware in laravel
global middleware- run on every http request
routemiddleware-assigned to a specific route
middleware can be register inside app/kernel.php file as $routemiddleware[],$middleware[];
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Maintenance mode in laravel
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If the application in maintenance mode MaintenanceModeException exception will be throwing
use the below command to make application down
php artisan down
application down with message
php artisan down –message “some maintenance work gong on will be back soon” –retry=60
even in the maintenance mode some specific ip can access the application using the below command
php artisan down –allow=’′ –allow=’127.3.56′
Disable the maintenance mode using php artisan up command
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What is configuration caching
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cache all configuration file into a single file, which load quickly by the framework
php artisan config:cache
normaly this will execute in the deployment,because local development configuration file frequntly changing.
once configuration cached env file will not be loaded it will be null
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How to access the configuration values in laravel?
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configuration values stored in the app.php
get the configuration value using the below code
$value = config(‘app.timezone’);
set the configuration value using the below code
To set configuration values at runtime, pass an array to the config helper:
config([‘app.timezone’ => ‘America/Chicago’]);
How to identify the laravel working environment
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using the APP_ENV variable from the env file
or using the App::environment();
What is Application key in laravel
its 32 character string generated while installing laravel.They can be set in .env file.
We can generate the key using the command php artisan key:generate;
Laravel installation steps
first download the laravel using the composer
composer global require “laravel/installer”
laravel new blog
another method as
composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog