Author Archives: Admin

Domain name dropdown-list bx in subservice of the aps package

$xml = ‘<methodCall>
</methodCall> ‘;
you can use the following url for this.
‘http://’ . HOST . ‘:’ . PORT . ‘/’ . PATH;

How to limit the subservice creation in APS package?

In an APS package with one mainservice and one subservice.

For example:Main service will fetch some basic credentials and subservice will create an account in the

isp(using API).

We can restrict this account creation using limit,means admin can limit the subservice-create account in the customer control panel.

For implementing this we can use the following methods.

# create a resource name in the resource tab in eclipse.

# create a resource type->

1. After uploading the package click on the “Resource Types” tab.
2. Click on the Create Button
3. Click on application service link, give name and description
4. Click on the subservice name displayed in the next screen.
5. click on next and keep blank as the priority(additional parameter)
6. click next and finish

# Service Plan

1.Add the above resource types into the resource rates and give inc unit and max unit as your “limit value”

Eg: if you give inc unit as 5 , you can create subservice 5 times.

Difference between TRUNCATE,DELETE and DROP commands

1)DELETE-Delete command is using to remove a rows from a table.

“Where” clause is used to remove some rows.

if no “where” condition specified all rows will be removed.

After performing a DELETE operation you need to “commit” or “Rollback” the transaction to make the change permanent or undo it.

2)TRUNCATE- “truncate” removes all rows from a table

this operaion cannot be rolled back and no triggers will be fired

truncate is faster than delete and doesnt use as much undo space as delete.

3)DROP- removes a  table from the database

All the tables rows,indexes and privileges will also be removed.

this operation cannot be rolled back.

Transaction Control-TCL

statements are used to manage the changes made by DML statements

Some Examples

1)COMMIT-save work done
2)SAVEPOINT-identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back
3)ROLLBACK-restore database to original since the last COMMIT
4)SETTRANSACTION- Change transaction options like isolation level and what rollback segment to use.

Data Manipulation Language-DML

statements are used for managing data within the

schema objects

Examples as below

1.SELECT-retrieve data from the database
2.INSERT-insert data into a table
3.UPDATE-updates existing data within a table
4.DELETE-deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain
5.MERGE-Upsert operation it will include both insert and update
6.CALL-call a PL/SQL or java subprogram
7.EXPLAIN PLAN-explain access path to data
8.LOCK TABLE-Control concurrency.

Data Definition Language-DDL

These are used to define database structure or


Examles as below

1.CREATE- create objects in the database
2.ALTER- alters the structure of the database
3.DROP-delete the objects from the database
4.TRUNCATE-remove all the records from the database  including spaces allocated for the records are removed.
5.COMMENT-add comments to the data dictionary
6.RENAME-rename an object.

For loops in shell scripting

Loops contains the code that will execute until the loop ends


for arg in [list]




for arg in “$mydoubts1 $mydoubts2 “……”$mydoubts N”

*) in pass 1 of the loop,arg=$mydoubts1
8) In pass N of the loop,arg= $mydoubts N

For Loop Example

# Listing the states

for dispstate in kerala,karnataka,tamilnadu,goa,Andhra


echo $dispstate