Author Archives: Admin

Application Resource units created in the package showing same value after installation irrespective to the plan purchased from store. Why this how to solve?

Please see the example below. i will explain one situation it will happen

Suppose i have 3 resource units

Resource-one |
Resource-two | here if you give ID as “users” for all the three
Resource-three |

IN PBA create 3 service plan and add resource rates value as different like 4,5,6.see below

Resource-one-SP | resource rate value inc/min/max as 4
Resource-two-SP | resource rate value inc/min/max as 5
Resource-three-SP | resource rate value inc/min/max as 6

in the above scenario all the resource unit will upadating to same value what you are purchasing from store.

it will work properly if you give different id for resource unit in package.

NOTE:same id in resource tab will create problem.