Category Archives: Technical questions

object Element in HTML5

Use of object element in html5. using for embed an element in an html document.this element support in all browsers.we can embed pdf,flash,java applet etc. see the below example we can change the data=”test.pdf”,data=”pic.jpeg”,data=”hello.html” Note:element also using for embeding pdf,image,flash etc. Eg:,only difference is this element does not have closing tags.

Local Storage and Session Storage in HTML5

Local Storage: in local storage data is storing in the browser its secure and more data can store Local storage data storing in two object 1.window.localStorage 2.window.sessionStorage Local storage data will not be deleted after closing the browser. it will be avaialble in the user browser for ever. Example for Storing local storage. localStorage.myval=’vasanthan’ ;–… Read More »