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Some Usefull link in this Application will redirect your mind to a new techical world

Some Usefull link in this Application will redirect your mind to a new techical world. Blog link will redirect to a thousands of technical information and your doubts clarification,mainly in the coding section for PHP/Mysql,APS 1.0,APS 2.0,Linux Shell Scripting.
Technical Solutions with Examples
This website provides some usefull information to the valuable visitors.It provides the technical solutions to the beginers.It focus on the PHP/Mysql scripting,APS Package development solutions.This website provides a huge collection of script,and demo of some sample web application. We have Tutorials and and knowledge base articles,Various comments from Technical talents that will guide you through preparation,and brush up your knowledge. This website showing a Blog link this page contains a huge collection of technical things.It focus on APS package development in 1.2,2.0.Also the Blog contains sample code in PHP and some sample scripts,demo of some applications using php. Blog will also explains technical tutorials for Linux shell scripting,MYsql etc. Aim of this website is just transfering the knowledge to others. Content of this website is not copied from anyother website or learning materials,whatever the information/knowledge i m getting while doing coding and in the development are just displaying into the site.