Category Archives: PHP

Pyramid creation using php

Below are the sample code for pyramid creation using php

Find Non Repetable element from an array using php

Please check the below php script to display non repetable element in an array.this script will remove all repetable elements and display remaining elements.

Change the color of rows in a table using jquery

get the span data content using jquery

how to get the different data values from dynamic span elements using jquery,check the below code

PDF creation using mpdf library is throwing error in codeigniter.

below code used for generating for pdf. $html== this variable store some html pages $this->load->library(‘mpdf’); $this->mpdf = new mPDF(); $this->mpdf->WriteHTML($html, 2); $this->mpdf->Output($file_name, ‘D’); if we print the html content it is displaying proper means there is no error until the pdf generation. you can use the below code to debug the issue. $mpdf->debug = true;… Read More »

Dynamic updation of textbox value using jquery and php

If you click on the Refresh link in the index.php files jquery will load the textbox value as a dynamic content index.php


How to handle ‘undefined’ in javascript

Variable ‘mydata’ is returning the value ‘undefined’, if you give this in an if condition its not working.. if(mydata==”undefined”) this condition should not below code will solve the issue.

Displaying a textbox content using keypress or click using jquery